Core Values

Teamwork – At WIRX, we communicate effectively by sharing information, skills, and knowledge to achieve success.  We support the growth and development of all members of the team. We share and celebrate success by valuing and recognizing each contribution. 

Equality – At WIRX, everyone deserves equal opportunities. We believe everyone should be seen, heard, valued, and empowered to succeed. Hearing diverse perspectives fuels innovation, deepens connections between people, and makes us a better company. 

Accountability – At WIRX, we hold ourselves personally and collectively responsible to do right and adhere to ethical principles in an environment of openness and honesty.  We value the expertise and experience of our team members and strive to create a collaborative, open working environment where every team member is expected to not only contribute but also to listen. 

Mastery – At WIRX, we strive daily to achieve mastery in all that we do while maintaining the perspective of a beginner with humble openness.  We strive to never stop learning. 

Work/Life Balance: At WIRX, our staff is of the utmost importance.  Improving the work-life balance of our staff improves overall well-being, including physical, emotional, and mental health. 

Integrity: We begin with the belief that trust in our firm, and in each other, comes from acting with integrity and transparency. We foster safe, inclusive work environments that create freedom to be our whole selves and do our best work.  

Respect: We rely on, respect, and care for each other. We build networks and partners without boundaries. We welcome everyone’s unique contributions, communicate candidly, and work together as Team WIRX. 

X-Factor: We challenge the status quo. Continually pursuing innovation, not for innovation’s sake, but for the sake of propelling our clients and our work forward. 

Let’s create something extraordinary together

WIRX: Exceptional services, positive work environment, skilled team, innovative technology.